For our location in Hamburg we are seeking:
Remuneration Group 13 | Limited: 3 years | Starting date: earliest possible | ID: FHDO012/2024 | Deadline: open until filled | Full-time/Part-time
DESY, with more than 2900 employees at its two locations in Hamburg and Zeuthen, is one of the world's leading research centres. Its research focuses on decoding the structure and function of matter, from the smallest particles of the universe to the building blocks of life. In this way, DESY contributes to solving the major questions and urgent challenges facing science, society and industry. With its ultramodern research infrastructure, its interdisciplinary research platforms and its international networks, DESY offers a highly attractive working environment in the fields of science, technology and administration as well as for the education of highly qualified young scientists.
DESY Belle II group is seeking to hire two PhD students. After a shutdown in 2022, the Belle II experiment in Japan restarted collecting data in 2024. The DESY Belle II group is involved in data analyses focusing on B- and tau-physics. In addition, the group is involved in various performance groups, such as tracking, charged particle identification and neutral particle reconstruction, as well as in operation of the Belle II pixel vertex detector. The PhD position is based at DESY Hamburg, with an affiliation with the University of Hamburg.
- Analysis of Belle II data with focus on either the tau or B-meson physics
- Service task: contribution to one of the performance groups or software development for the recently installed pixel detector
- Contribution to data taking and production (shifts)
- Presentations at international workshops and conferences
Look forward to a unique working environment on our international research campus. Respectful cooperation and the well-being of our DESY employees are particularly important to us. Gender equality is an important aspect for us. To support work life balance we offer flexible working hours, variable part-time, job-sharing models and participation in mobile work (up to 50%). You will benefit from our family-friendly and collegial atmosphere, our established health management and occupational pension provision. As a public funded employer, we offer you a secure workplace and facilitate your individual career with our comprehensive training and development opportunities. Remuneration is according to the regulations of the TV-AVH. DESY offers its employees a financial supplement for a German job ticket (Deutschland-Ticket) at both locations.
Limited: 3 years
- Diploma/Masters in Physics with excellent grades
- Knowledge and interest in particle physics
- Strong software skills (python, ROOT, C++)
- Good teamwork and communications skills
- Good English language skills
- Ability and eligibility to travel to Japan
For further information please contact Dr. Armine Rostomyan at +49 40 8998-3445, armine.rostomyan@desy.de
DESY in Hamburg does not grant doctoral degrees directly but collaborates with the University of Hamburg. Candidates for thesis research will have to satisfy the terms of admission for doctoral theses of the University of Hamburg. PhD students receive a monthly salary of 67% of the payment of the remuneration group 13 TVöD (Federal Government).
Please submit your complete application documents (letter of motivation, CV, relevant certificates and two letters of references) via our application portal. Please use our online tool for the submission of the letters of reference:Additional application documents
We look forward to receiving your application via our application portal:
Apply now
DESY promotes equal opportunities and diversity. The professional development of women is very important to us and therefore we strongly encourage women to apply for the vacant position. Applications from severely disabled persons will be given preference if they are equally qualified (sbv.desy.de).
You can find further information here:
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
Notkestraße 85
22607 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 8998-3392
Deadline for applications: 31.03.2025