Jobangebot connecticum Job-1796847

Master PSE International

Master PSE International

We look forward to receiving your application for a part-time Master's programme in cooperation with the Knowledge Foundation in Reutlingen.

  • Kennziffer: J000013200
  • Einstiegsart: Absolventen/ Young Professionals
  • Einsatzort: Ludwigsburg
  • Gesellschaft: MHP - A Porsche Company

Please submit your complete application documents.

Exklusive Einblicke hinter die KulissenExklusive Einblicke hinter die Kulissen

At MHP, you will continuously grow with your tasks in an innovative and supportive environment. That makes us the perfect sparring partner for your career. Both for professional input and business networking. Among other things, we offer:

  • We support and appreciate colleagues as they are and celebrate our successes together.
  • We always welcome creativity and new impulses.
  • In terms of time and place - depending on the project, at home, in the office, at the customer.
  • With us, you get the opportunity to grow in your tasks, in your knowledge, and in your responsibility.

You can find a comprehensive overview of our benefits here

Info zur Bewerbung

Master PSE International

connecticum Job-1796847
Wirtschaftswissenschaften: Wirtschaftswissenschaften, allg.
Einsatzort: 71 Ludwigsburg; Baden-Württemberg
Jobdetails Bewerbungsformular

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