Karriere bei Urban Drivestyle GmbH
Urban Drivestyle GmbH
Urban Drivestyle GmbH was originally founded as the first all-electric-mobility shop in Palma de Mallorca. We identified the need for a vehicle that could bridge the gap between electric scooters and electric bike, so the team at Urban Drivestyle designed a very unique electric bike called the UNI MOKE. By now we are selling thousands of bikes word wide and expand our portfolio of electric vehicles to solve nowadays transportation problems in style.
Since March 2018 we have our headquarter in Berlin @Motionlab to design, develop, build our bikes.
1 - 10
Deutsch, Englisch, Spanisch
Qualifikations-Matrix | ||||||
Bedeutung | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | k.A. |
Sehr gute Studienleistungen |
Kurze Studiendauer |
Auslands- erfahrung |
Außeruniversitäres Engagement |
Kommunikative Fähigkeiten |
Sehr gute Englischkenntnisse |
Sehr gute MS- Office Kenntnisse |
Branchen- kenntnisse |
Praxis- erfahrungen |
Bedeutung für das Unternehmen: 1 = sehr wichtig, 5 = unwichtig, k.A. = keine Angabe |
Ablauf des Auswahlverfahrens
1. Telefon oder Online-Interview
2. Persönliches Gespräch und Kennlernen des Teams
3. Probetag
4. Finales Feedback
Urban Drivestyle
Ansprechpartner: Andreas Kranki - CEO
Gerne mit Lebenslauf, Interessen und was abseits von Ausbildung und Studium gemacht wurde.
Weitere Informationen
Mögliche Einsatzbereiche und Fachrichtungen:
Kundensupport, Shopbetreuung, Versand und Fulfillment
Fließendes Deutsch, sehr gutes Englisch, Online Affinität - weitere Infos - Andi Kranki, an early-bird backer from the Indiegogo-Campaign himself, became CEO of Urban Drivestyle and currently runs a team of 10 on the premisses of the NEW FACTORY in Berlin. Right now, Urban Drivestyle GmbH is selling hundreds of UNIMOKEs to customers around the globe.
Urban Drivestyle is focused to build a collaborative company that delights problems in urban transportation on a continuous basis. Customer focus is not only a value we act on but an integral part of the companies vision. We strongly believe that active and bi-directional collaboration of owners, suppliers and partners is the only way to create truly game-changing products and services. We move fast, fail faster and continuously adjust. We think in roles not positions and believe in continuous learning and cross-functional work attitudes to achieve our mission.
Urban Drivestyle
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